I've been on an old movie kick the last few weeks. Anyone who knows me knows I love movies (films, if you prefer). But there's something refreshing about seeing really good actors creating really memorable characters without unnecessary distractions like nudity or explosions or car chases.
Three movies I've purchased in the last week have really made me think:
1. "Inherit the Wind" (1960)--Spencer Tracy and Frederic March play attorneys squaring off on the creation vs. evolution issue in a film based on the "Scopes Monkey Trial."
2. "The Intruder" (1962)--A pre-"Star Trek" William Shatner plays a charismatic racist stirring up trouble in a small town in which the schools have just been integrated (any coincidence to the the Little Rock Central High case is very deliberate).
3. "A Face in the Crowd" (1957)--A young unknown named Andy Griffith plays an Arkansas con-man (of course) who becomes an egomaniacal celebrity who influences public opinion and political policy.
What struck me as I watched these old movies (two of which pre-date me) is that the issues they address are still with us. If they were remade today, the issues would be as current as they were in the 1950's and 1960's. So, how do we address these issues today, especially in light of our faith? I'm not talking about a revolution, but are Christians really impacting the culture, or is the opposite true--the culture is shaping Christianity?
Discuss among yourselves and share your thoughts.